PS Project team


Project team 



Mihu Cristina Maria

Ioschici Hella-Pallma

Lupu Iasmina-Andreea 

Adina Sala

Ilber Cem Elmas

Kader Sarisaltik

Halil Dolmaci

Margherita Ceni

Ruzojevic Dimitrije

Balogh Nikolett

Baies Ioan Liviu

Suca Rafaela

Ropotica Giulia Sorana


Arslan Furkan

Hidayet Sungu

Onur Ozkaya

Gabriel Enrique Corral Guerrero

Marco Rinaldo

Ruzojevic Dimitrije

Argyelan Endre

Calin Galea

Erwin Bandl

Alin Farago

Cristian Covaci

Sala Adina

Paul Buda

Luca Cutri


Hilal Okakin

Mazlum Demirel

Ilker Tunckol

Nur Hatice Ataseven

Sara Mino

Pablo Sanz

Argyelan Endre

Erwin Bandl

Nicoleta Susca

Lancea Fabian

Berariu Bianca

Alin Farago

Nicholas Dan Stupar

Safta Florina Elena

Rascol Timofte Crenguta Cristina



Cosmin Constantinescu

Dumbra Alina

Dumbra Florin-Adrian

Florica-Iasmina Bodin

Lucaciu-Paiusan Andrada-Carmina

Dif Djemal Eddine 

Alara Demir

Hilal-Naime Ogdu

Mazlum Demirel

Muhammed Kayadan


Nicoleta-Elena Susca

Denisa Madalina Groza

Avadanii Sergiu Ionel

Andrei-Ilie Oaida

Yusuf  Ozkan

Aleksandar Petrushevski

Marta Porcu

Tolga Coban

Elmas Kavlak

Mert Yigit

Baris-Can Yaldiz

Ates Gungor

Ece Su Akbiyik

Abdulkerim Gunduz

Asiye-Fatmanur Onal

Cihan Enem


Lupu Alina Florina

Serghiev Andrada Maria

Badea Ioana Mihaela

Ropotica Giulia Sorana

Mihu Maria Cristina

Rafaela Suca

Baies Ioan-Liviu


Ahmad Khaled MuhammedAlfarkh

Bilge Cafer

Muhammad Ayyan Anwar

Aida Oliveras Carillo

Rafet Furkan Ozdemir

Gokalp Latife Nur

Jordan Le Berre Gwendal Nicolas



Alexandra Ioana Andruhovici

Sergiu Avădanii

Ciungu Denisa

Deniz Selen Derya

Gascon Zardoya Miguel

Gianluca Vit

Denisa Mădălina Groza

Nicoleta Elena Șușcă

Nicholas Dan Stupar


Mark Reichmann                                                                       

Mattis Yannik Jacob Dietrich                                                    

Ariel Soriano Sanchez                                                                

Antonio Marcos Ortiz                                                                 

Mathis Etienne Le Corre                                                            

Isabelle Nathalie Schmidt

Ana Maria Luna Aceituno

Blanca Sintas Checa

Mateusz Tomasik

Esma Okuduku

Hasan Kerem Erdem

Alperen Eker

Kevin Riesco

Kinga Bleicziffer

Tereza Dan

Ioana Andreea Popa

Ioana Romina Tolan

Andrada Carmina Lucaciu-Păiușan

Alexandra Neamț

Valentin Beniamin Purtan

Simona Anamaria Herbei

Gabriel Răzvan Malița

Alexandra Maria Păiușan

Ion Marian Panait

Flavius Vărșendan

Simona Larisa Ciontoș

Alexandru Dudaș

Bianca Ioana Rus

Florin Adrian Dumbra

Graziella Kovacs

PS2 - descriptions or testimonials from volunteers 

Tolga Coban

“ Ladies and Gentleman, 

 I greet you with respect and love. My name is Tolga Coban and I’m 23 years old. I am from Turkey but currently I’m living in Romania. I am a volunteer in Arad.

I would like to talk about my volunteering experience in Arad. I attended this project because I’d like to do sports. Also, learning new cultures and their own language is always a thing that I’d love to do. The project helped me so much to accomplish these things. Because of this project, I’ve met so many people, internatiolly, nationally and locally.  The meetings helped me with improving my self-confidence. 

I sincerelly thank all the employees and friends who contributed to the project, for all these opportunities provided by the project. “

Baris Can Yaldiz 

“Hello everyone,

My name is Baris Can Yaldiz, I am 19 years old. I came to Romania for an European Solidarity Corps project. Currently I am living in Arad, Romania.

I would like to talk about my volunteering experience - when I was in Turkey, I was searching for projects and I saw this one on the ESC website. I attended this project because I like to do sports. When I came here, I met with a lot of people and a lot of cultures. 

I just want to thank the hosting organization for giving me the opportunity to embrace this opportunity.”

Bilge Cafer 


My name is Bilge. I’m from Turkey. I’m 26 years old. I studied Economics at Dokuz Eyll University. I like travelling and to know new cultures. I’m glad that I joined the project. Staying in Arad with the people from different countries was amazing. I learned a lot of things. I will try to use the experiences I learned, after this project. “

Alina Dumbra


My name is Alina and I had the opportunity to volunteer in the project “PROMOTING SPORT”, where I was able to help others and make myself useful in several activities.

I really enjoyed the activity, especially the weekly RUNNING & NUTRITION event and I was pleased to be able to help prepare small snacks.”

Adrian Dumbra


I am Adrian. Being a volunteer in this association was a good opportunity to learn and gain many skills. It is a pleasant place and offers a lot of confidence. The effort and involvement of the staff is to be appreciated.

I was pleasantly surprised to be part of this community. "

Malita Gabriel

“My name is Gabriel Malita, I am an optimistic and full of life person. I like to take part in volunteering activities, this being the second time I participated in such an activity within the club. I was and still am pleasantly surprised by the way the activities carried out here took place.”

Andrada Lucaciu

“My name is Andrada, I am 25 years old and I am a second year student in the Social Work specialization. I chose this project because it is a good opportunity to improve my relationship with people from different social backgrounds while giving me the opportunity to give those without opportunities access to a healthy life through sport, contributing to their integration into the community.

Among my favorite activities were: Ride the River and Running & Nutrition.”

Alina Lupu 


  My name is Alina and I am a 2nd year student at Social Work.

I am 20 years old and I come from Brad town, Hd county. I can say that my whole experience here has been truly amazing. Besides the fact that I learned a lot of new things that give me a better life, I was surrounded by wonderful people who helped me develop my ability to interact and learn languages. The most beautiful moment was during the “Ionut Popa” Memorial Tournament where the whole involvement had a really special energy.

During this stage I can say that I have developed from several points of view, so I recommend all friends and young people to take part in such an experience at least once in their lives. "




CITY: Bucharest





 Name: Ogdu

First Name: Hilal Naime


Country: Turkey

Description: Hi I am Hilal from Istanbul, Turkey. I am 27 years old. I have graduated from Marmara University. My major is Biology. I am a teacher in my country. I am interested in different cultures and learning new languages. I have the ability to learn new languages. These days, I learn Korean by myself. I really liked Korean culture, foods, traditional Korean dress (Hanbok) etc. Also, I am a traveller. I traveled to the Balcan countries, some countries of Eu, Korea and Japan (25 countries in total). It is really a passion for me. I like to see traditional things (cafe, dress, foods) when I go abroad. I like to listen to music. It makes me feel like a bird and when I listen to a song, my body is just following the ritm. So, I can dance everywhere because of that. In Istanbul, when I wait for the bus, I just dance at the station. It is so funny but that is me. Tam is an easy going, responsible, energetic and positive someone.

Name: Al Farkh

First Name: Ahmad

Age: 24

Country: Jordan

Description: My name is Ahmad Al Farkh from Jordan, I am 24 years old, I studied accounting and graduated two and a half years ago.  I came to Romania 8 months ago and was a volunteer in the city of Ramincu Valcea and my project was about European Rural Solidarity.  It was a special experience and I made new friends from different countries and learned new things and we did beautiful campaigns like the blood donation campaign.  I am now here in the city of Arad to take a new experience in my life and to meet new people.

Name: Olivares

First Name: Aida

Age: 18

Country: Barcelona

Description: My name is Aida, I’m 18 and I’m from Barcelona.

I like to be part of this volunteering because it motivates me to practise sports and help promote sport in this city. Also, I really like working with children and I have a high capacity for organizing activities with them.

On the other hand, I would also like to help design the posters and flyers for the events, since I studied plastic arts in high school and I love drawing. 

Finally, I decided to start with European volunteering because I believe that you live and learn from this new experience. I believe being part of a volunteer teaches you about the culture of the country where you are staying and also about the cultures of your colleagues. 

Name: Badea

First Name: Ioana Mihaela

Age: 20

Country: Romania

Description: My name is Badea Ioana Mihaela, I am 20 years old and I study Economic Sciences at the “Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad. I really like to dance, play the guitar and I like to play video games on my computer or Xbox.

My favorite colors are black and red, my hair is dyed red, but naturally it is brown. I have green eyes, 1.50m tall and besides all this, I love watching Anime. My favorite anime is Naruto, and I'm currently watching Violet Evergarden.

I am a very open person, I always like to experiment with new things, to meet new people from different parts of the world and I love Asian food.

Name: Baies

First Name: Ionut Liviu


Country: Romania

Description: Hey, I'm Liviu, Ioan, Baies Ioan-Liviu or Ursu or so :). I'm or I'm trying to be a funny guy, I take life as a joke less in those moments where I need to be serious.

My name is Ursu because I am 1.85 and I am over 100 kg (LOL) and that means that ....

I love (sounds so gay…) to spend my time somewhere in nature (in the absence of mosquitoes if possible and any other creatures with or without wings) with Luna (my puppy) and all my close friends or not.

I really like to drive and I think that most of the time in a trip, the best thing is hiking, not necessarily the destination, I know how to appreciate music and to my disappointment or not I live it every time (story time: if I listen to 10 songs with 10 different states I will go through each one from depression to ecstasy, a kind of roller coaster).

If we start talking about my professional life, I could tell you that I work in a German company where I deal with IT services. And besides, I go in parallel with Aurel Vlaicu University where I finished the 1st year at the Faculty of Exact Sciences on the profile of Applied Informatics.

I spend a lot of time getting involved in 3 volunteers including LSUAV (Aurel Vlaicu University Students League) where I am sure you know very well what it is, St. Martin's Association where we support people with respiratory difficulties with oxygen devices and of course EMS.

Name: Cafer

First name: Bilge

Age: 25

Country: Turkey

Description: Hello!

 I'm Bilge Cafer from Turkey. I'm 25 years old. I studied Economy in the Dokuz Eylul University. I'm interesting with theater music and yoga. I'm eager to launch something interesting life experiences. I like travelling and to know new cultures.I worked as a volunteer in Izmir province of Turkey with Pi Youth Association. We organized Erasmus+ projects. I also worked with children and youngster. I'm really happy to participant in this project.Staying in Arad with the people from diffrent countries its amazing.I'm sure it will be productive inspiring and funny. I'm thinking that i'll learn a lot of experince and ill add some of my experience too.

Name: Ghele

First Name: Eduard

Age: 20

Country: Romania

Description: My name is Ghele Eduard, I am 20 years old and I am a student at the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Design, both second year, at the Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad.

For about 4 months, I have been a director in the Board of Directors of the Aurel Vlaicu University League, where I have developed for about 3 years, where I have gained experience by actively participating in League projects and events, which I have always been a support and worker . For about 2 years, I have been working for a project company where I carry out different projects, through a lot of work and a lot of effort, every day. For 5 months, I have had a second job, as project coordinator director, which shows teamwork, day by day.

I consider myself a hardworking, dynamic, strategic, competitive and orderly person, things that have developed over the years and that's the only way I managed to get where I am at the moment. In my free time, which I don't really enjoy, due to the fact that I work almost all the time 7 days a week, I dedicate it to myself. I dedicate 75% of my free time to my passion for cars. The remaining 25% is left to see my friends, relatives, to watch a movie or to enjoy a coffee.

As plans for the future, I thought about this as well. For the most part, all I want is to enjoy life and live it to the fullest. Intended to take various courses for business development, management and marketing.

My daily goal is to reach and aim as high as possible, on my own strengths and on my own strengths.

Name: Le Berre

First Name: Jordan

Age: 21

Country: Romania

Description: I practiced "street workout" and I practiced a lot of other sports such as Gym, Kickboxing, Bodybuilding. This project is just the perfect project for me. I am just a sports man, I want to help as many people as possible. I'm like travel, discoveries and learn about the news thing. Share my experience and my skills in Nutrition, musculation and psychology. I like this domain and I just want to learn more about it.

Name: Lupu

First Name: Alina

Age: 21

Country: Romania

Description: Hi, my name is Alina, I am 20 years old and I am a second year student at the Faculty of Social Work. I consider myself a creative, social and energetic person. I like to spend my time outdoors, with friends or simply with my family.I consider myself a lucky person because I have 2 older brothers, with whom I have a very special relationship. My oldest and best friend is my mother, and my father is my trusted advisor. I love long hikes and tent trips, I am a very involved person in everything I do.

Name: Anwar

First Name: Ayyan

Age: 21

Country: Pakistan/Hungary


My name is Ayyan and I’m 21 years old. I’m currently pursuing my bachelors in International Relations at ELTE in Budapest, Hungary. I have been volunteering for the past 10 years where I actively took part in organizing cultural events, teaching languages, climate change campaigns, sustainable development projects, addressing environment-related issues, managing sports events, working with school students, and addressing human rights campaigns. I really love the theme of this project because I love sports and I run daily. I do cycling as well. I have been taking part in race competitions since my childhood and I won a lot of them at the state level competitions. Moreover, I used to manage and organize sports events both in my school and university. The COVID situation already disturbed our mental and physical health. The current era of technology has made our lives easy and we became lazy. Therefore, I think that there is a dire need to promote sports in our community. Now, we can see that our hospitals are full of patients because we do not practice sports that much. I am really grateful to the respective organization for providing us this amazing opportunity and I really appreciate the efforts of the host organization for promoting sports in the community. I think that it is a matter of great work to invite 200 volunteers from all over the world and the credit goes to the host organization. I believe that we always learn something. I am hopeful that this project will enhance my leadership, personal, academic, managing, social, communication and organizational skills.

Under the umbrella of this project, I can have an opportunity to explore this world and nature, meet new people, make new friends, learn new cultures and languages. I am confident that the overall opportunity for volunteering in this project will broaden my horizons and help me in countless ways. After my successful completion of this volunteering project, I will apply the experience and knowledge from this project in my community about the promotion and awareness of sports.

Name: Ozdemir

First name: Rafet

Age: 20

Country: Turkey


Hello I'm Rafet Furkan 

I'm 20 years old and I'm a student at Istanbul Technical University. My profession is industrial product design. Due to the COVID-19 I am at my hometown Burdur and studying online. I have a few daily routines doing sports early in the morning, attending my classes and studying, and helping my parents at the farm.

In my sports life I have been in many tournaments due to the fact that I know how to do different sports And thanks to the farm I have learned many survival skills. I can cook my own food, do my laundry and what to eat in nature. But I have never attended a volunteering project before. So it's my first time and I'm excited for this.

Name: Serghiev

First Name: Andrada

Age: 22

Country: Romania

Description: My name is Serghiev Andrada Maria and I am 22 years old. I was born and live in the city of Arad, which for me is the most beautiful city in Romania.

The high school years managed to shape the child in me, to become the person I represent now, namely to be responsible, assumed and eager to assert myself.

I am currently a third year student at Aurel Vlaicu University in Arad, faculty Food Engineering, Tourism and Environmental Protection, specialization Consumer and Environmental Protection.

The three years of college represented for me knowledge, affirmation, and experiences.

I started with the success at the Prom, being chosen MISS UAV, an enormous joy that gave me the drive to demonstrate that I can excel not only on stage but also in student and everyday life.

The next step was the active participation in the Student League from Aurel Vlaicu University, initially being a simple volunteer, and after a year I held the position of Human Resources in the Board of Directors of the student league. I can say that the experience lived with my colleagues from the League was and will remain the most beautiful experience so far. I met new people, I experienced beautiful situations and

maybe sometimes difficult, but all this made me the mature man who knows how to win but also to lose with a smile on his face.

These last years have brought me new friends, we have been a help and joy for each other, we have suffered and we have enjoyed together. Currently I consider myself a human eager to know, brave, to always offer help and support from my little life experience so far!

Some of the volunteers from PS1: 


My life always continues with sport. Sport is very important for me. I started doing a sport in 2004. When I do sport, I feel better and I feel alive. I hope I will always have a sportive life like now. I am friendly and I love learning new languages. I am also curious and ambitious.I dont love to lose.

Before I came here, I always searched which project I could join. Finally I founded. These kinds of projects are very important and useful. I am very lucky to have joined this project because I gained a lot of experience, friends, language, new places, and amazing memories. I will never forget this project. For now, this project is my best experience. I came here without sending organisation and I didn’t need anything. Because my hosting organisation was very helpful and kind. I really learnt how to speak fluent English and basic Spanish, basic Romanian and basic French. I gained experience living abroad for two months. I have different kinds of friends. I recommend it to everyone. I want to join again. I learned teamwork and doing regular sports. 


I am someone who likes to discover the unknown even if I am someone highly introverted when I don’t know people in a place, but this project allowed me to open myself more to others. This project is an experience that you really have to live in this life and I would recommend it to anyone.


I consider myself a very positive and joyful person. I always try to spread happiness and good vibes. Empathy and honesty are very important to me as well as creating deep and strong connections to other people.

Additionally, I am a very active person and live a healthy lifestyle being aware of your mind and your body is important.I strive to be better and start new things. Adventures with energy and ambition. While, like teaching others. I Really enjoy learning new things. I am eager to learn and make new experiences.

The experience of coming to Romania was really amazing, not only did I meet many truly amazing people, I learned a lot about myself and gained a lot of new knowledge. Organizing a marathon takes more than I expected. It was hard work bit seeing everyone being so invested and passionate about what they do motivated me to do the best. I possibly could. I learned how to properly organize myself to get all the work done and still live a healthy and balanced life. I met so many different but equally inspiring people who I learned many different things. I had a great, fulfilling time which I will never forget.


I am an active and empathic person and I like to have a clear vision about my future. Also, it is mainly important for me to be always in contact with other cultures. I am very interested in working with young people and contributing to community’s life. 

This project gave me the opportunity to work with young people from all over Europe, right here in my own hometown. It was a great experience! We succeeded together to organize and implement a wonderful event. I did a lot of new activities and I grew up nicely. For me, it was very important to promote the marathon in schools and get in contact with pupils. Also, it was very nice to work every day and spend time with other volunteers, I felt like I was abroad but still in my home country. 

Thank you EMS for this transforming experience! & I hope we continue to collaborate. 


I consider myself a very sociable, optimistic and cheerful person. I always try and put people over me,because making them happy and pleased makes me feel happy too. I believe I have a very contagious strength and I think that is due to self-trust but also to my friends and family. One of the things I like to do most is to meet new people, visit new places and live new experiences.

My main achievement and success in this project has been my personal more than ever. I have developed my virtues. I have fixed and/or attempting to fix my defects. Living, talking and experiencing. New things with people from different cultures, ages and mindsets has allowed me to become more mature, caring and in general to self develop myself into an adult.


I think I am creative, calm and cubing. I am funny, reliable and rarely late. My favourite sport is swimming. Benefits of volunteering: Meeting new people, discovering a country and throwing your comfort zone away. I learned how to live on my own, how a marathon is structured and organized. I came home with many pictures and stories.


My name is Mattis Dietrich and I am from Germany. I would consider myself as a really sportive person more precisely. I love running. It occupies a large part of my life, but besides that I am a passionate art lover.

Describing my personality. I can say that I am an open and ambitious person, who always likes to take care of others and pay attention to my surroundings. Additionally I am an empathic person.

Participating in this project has been a really good lifetime experience for me. I got many benefis out of this project, although there are always things to improve. But let's start with the most important part, the positive part of volunteering in this project. Mainly it has been the people who refined this project. Living and working together with them made me learn much about myself and living somewhere else. I got more self confident and more clear about what is important in life, for example keep things in order. Also, working with other people always turns out in teamwork and because of the fact I was not the best team player before, It was a good experience for me. Things that made the project not to have been a perfect one were two things: firstly, I would mention the spontaneity of some tasks and the schedule and secondly the poor accommodation but because we were the first ones doing this project, It was really a good project.


I am a cheerful, excited, open minded and responsible person. I love international atmosphere, making new friends, exploring new places and teamwork. I am interested in all kinds of sports, mostly teamsports. I am into learning new languages. This volunteering experience is for sure one of the amazing things i have done in my life.This project taught me about the organizing background of big events, new languages and culture, and more courage about living abroad. Besides learning about other cultures, I also introduced my culture. I also have wonderful friends from various countries. I gained more self confidence. We travelled around Romania together with all the international volunteers from the team which was magnificent. I raised my awareness of healthy life. I learned creative ways to do something and new games for learning. I am happy to have this great experience, friends, administrators and team friends. I wish the project could be longer. I will miss my family here. 


Always looking for my personal development, open minded and loving of human interaction. Completely focus on enjoying and doing my best by giving love. I always try to spread my energy and my happiness, while I play video games, do sports, read a book or go to parties. I have multiple personalities! I consider myself as a confident and helpful person. If you need me, I will be there by your side! My rule in life is ‘give life’ and ‘be the light and salt for the others who surround you.’ 

It is a big opportunity to enjoy doing a thing that you love: doing sports! You will meet amazing people in a wonderful country. You are going to feel like you are home. You are going to improve in language and personal skills, become a better person.


I am Hasan Kerem Erdem. I define myself as a cheerful, friendly and hardworking person. I love helping people around me and making them happy. My biggest hobbies are sports and discovering new places. 

After participating in this project, I think that I have improved myself especially in terms of learning foreign languages and new cultures. We made new friends and shared good memories for 2 months. I learned teamwork, how to use time more efficiently. I wish the time we spend here as a group was longer. We feel like a family here. I am very happy and proud to be involved in this project. 


I am an active and very positive person who adapt easily to new situations. I think I am very sociable who can resolve the problems as they come up. I am strongly identificated with sports values and I try to apply them in all the tasks that I develop, both personally and professionally. I am really good at working under pressure because I am an extremely demanding and professional person who is looking for perfection. Discipline is my greatest ally. People tend to follow me, believe and trust me, so I can say that they see me as a leader. Due to that I always try to do my best with them.

If I had to choose a new project, there is no doubt that I would choose this one again. To take part in this amazing team has been a wonderful experience that helped me to grow up both personally and professionally. I have realized that working with a multicultural group made me gain new skills and opened my mind. So, after this experience I feel more confident with myself. 


I am an active person with a lot of energy. I like challenges, which makes me a courageous person. Sport is an important part of my life. I have been dancing since I was 10 years old and I had a lot of nice results. I support sports.

Being involved in this project helped me in my personal development. I have learned how to organize myself in order to be able to participate in the implementation of marathon. I also learned how to work in a team more efficiently and how to develop my communication abilities. (Public speaking,english language) It was a great choice to join this project.


 I am very happy to have had this beautiful experience one of the best i had in my life.

The people, met, my team and the country were exceptional. I feel a lot of emotion now writing these lines and I will feel the same tomorrow. I am leaving this place enriched with a lot of nice memories, souvenirs and friendships, all very close to my heart.

I advise everybody to live this experience because it is transforming and everything it is so well organized. You will be marked for life professionally,personally and culturally.


I am a sociable person,very active and like to help others.

I like driving and boxing and one of my passions is flying.I loved being a part of this project because it gave me the opportunity to help others and get to know a lot of nice people. This project helped me to develop a lot of skills.


I enjoy meeting a lot of new people and learning with them and from them.I have finally learned how to like running in the rain.

I have learned a lot about coordinating a team, what I should do and especially what I shouldn't. I met a lot of amazing people and together we challenged ourselves and grew in so many ways. I feel that our activities really had an impact in arad and i only wish that we would have had more time to develop our own collaboration with many dedicated teachers and students, but there is always next year. For me, it was a big strange taking part in an ESC stage like this in my hometown, but now i feel privileged that i will stay in this community and  will be able to get involved during the next events.


I am a boy eager to learn and want to live life, I consider myself an ambitious and sociable boy. I aspire to be a physical education teacher and with this experience I have achieved the skills I needed. This adventure will be something I will never forget and will always be engraved in my heart.

This volunteering has been one of my best experiences without a doubt. It has helped me to open my mind and see how everything works since it is my first experience in volunteering. I have made very strong friendships thanks to this in such a short time, and I have a hard time assimilating that I have to leave because I liked Romania so much and I would repeat it without thinking. I recommend this experience to everyone.


Last modified: Tuesday, 16 August 2022, 6:23 AM